Friday 3 August 2007

I love my friends but my god can they annoy me...

I write this entry tonight when 2 hours ago I expected to be now out enjoying a fine summers evening with some friends. That however as you may have noticed from me writing this now has no occured.

Before I start this moan I want to make the point that I have some of the best friends a man could ask for and love there often deranged company to bits. HOWEVER before I regail them all with fountains of praise there are some that can be mildly irritaiting with there organisational plans to say the least.

It has emerged that the two friends I planned to go out with this evening had infact neglected to organise the lift that they told me they had so muggins hear now has no company.

I suppose the reason for my grumpyness is partly increased due to my own over obsession about getting to somewhere on time. This can I am sure be irritaiting for both family and friends of mine in that this over interest in getting to places on time can turn me into a a real pain to be around.

This however I dont think is the main problem because many of my friends are infact appaling keeps of time and experts in planning as they will regularily forget to get the right buses and forget times that we are supposed to be meeting at which as I am sure you can appreciate is most irritaiting.

Many appologise for todays post just being an over winded complaining session, I will endever to make the next one much more enjoyable to read. I am off to the Transformers film tomorow so I am sure I will have a strong opinion on that to give you tomorow :-)

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