Tuesday 31 July 2007

The startings of my ramblings...

My blog could very easily be viewed as an act of desperation by a very bored man. That is infact what I think it is. I do however intend for my posts to be at the very least an interesting insite into the brain of a politics and music obsessed teenager.

The reason for the boredom that has inspired this blog is that I am currently on a long holiday before the starting of the terror that is my incomming first year of University. Excitement is also a major feeling about this rapdily approaching avent in my life but terror is the greater. I however am digressing from the point that I am on a long holiday which has rapidly become dull due to my friends all being on holiday and that without there company my life is worryingly empty..

This blog however will fill that void!

Appologise also for the appalling spelling, for this I blaim my dyslexia (which as you may notice I quite possibly fail to spell correctly).

I know this has been a rather dull first post but I will endever to make the comming ones much more interesting and at the very least more terror filled :-)

Bye bye for now steelchaffinch